Diagnostico Clínico Radiográfico de la cavidad Torácica y Abdominal en pequeños animales.

Diagnostico Clínico Radiográfico de la cavidad Torácica y Abdominal en pequeños animales.


El objetivo principal de este curso de radiología para veterinarios es enseñar a los participantes a incorporar los hallazgos y la interpretación radiográfica con la sintomatologia, el historial y la evaluacion del paciente para que realicen un diagnostico clínico integral.

Este curso se basará en conferencias y en gran medida en casos, de mascotas reales seleccionados de la telerradiología y el trabajo clínico del servicio de radiología de la Universidad de Guelph, en un entorno cerrado, con rondas presenciales. Esta metodología garantizará que los alumnos estén preparados para interpretar y diagnosticar las enfermedades más comunes en su espacio de trabajo.

Se revisaran los fundamentos mas importantes de la radiografía/evaluación sistemática de la imagen radiográfica, combinada con la interpretación radiográfica, incluidos los aspectos técnicos/físicos prácticos básicos, incluidos los principios detrás de la adquisición de imágenes de alta calidad y la seguridad radiológica. Se abordarán los aspectos críticos de la radiología, incluida la generación de una lista completa de diagnósticos diferencial. Todos los sistemas del cuerpo están cubiertos en este curso integral de la cavidad torácica y sus componentes.


Dr. Robert Cruz Arambulo
Médico Veterinario de la University of Zulia, Venezuela, con una Maestría de Ciencias de la Salud y Radiología del departamento de Ambiente y de salud Radiológica de la Universidad del Estado de Colorado, Tiene una residencia de Radiologia en la misma Universidad y un Diplomado del Colegio Americano de Radiología Veterinaria. Actualmente se desempeña como Radiólogo en VetsChoice Radiology. Radiólogo y Profesor Asistente del Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph (OVCTH). Ex-Profesor de Radiología de la Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Veterinaria-Venezuela. Actualmente Profesor a distancia en la misma escuela en la Catedra de Diagnostico Radiológico. Ex-Staff de Radiólogos de Antech Imaging Services/Antech Diagnostics.


Saturday August 5th

  • Basic physics of x-rays: how to use it as a helping hand tool in the evaluation of a radiographic study.
  • Common radiographic artifacts: the origins/avoidance (if possible), how to use it as a helping hand tool in the evaluation of a radiographic study.
  • Philosophy of the radiographic interpretation.
  • The Radiology Report.
  • Approach to Reading a Thoracic X-Ray focusing on the respiratory system: what is normal, normal variations and most common pathologies.
  • Common artifacts.
  • The pulmonary patterns.
  • A logical approach to diagnose a disease.
  • Radiographic Diagnosis of specific pulmonary diseases.
  • Lower airway disease: tracheal collapse, bronchial collapse.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of most common congenital cardiovascular diseases.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of most common acquired cardiovascular diseases.
  • Normal radiographic Anatomy.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the mediastinum.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the pleural space.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the thoracic wall.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the diaphragm.

Sunday August 6th

  • the abdominal cavity/peritoneum/retroperitoneal space.
  • Basic physics of x-rays: how to use it as a helping hand tool in the evaluation of a radiographic study.
  • Common radiographic artifacts: the origins/avoidance (if possible), how to use it as a helping hand tool in the evaluation of a radiographic study.
  • Philosophy of the radiographic interpretation.
  • The Radiology Report.
  • Approach to Reading an abdominal radiograph focusing on the stomach: what is normal, normal variations and most common pathologies.
  • Common artifacts.
  • The small intestines: ileus /obstruction, now what? surgery? Medical management or US.
  • Logic approach to diagnose intestinal obstruction.
  • Radiographic Diagnosis of specific colonic diseases.
  • The pancreas.
  • Kidneys and ureters radiographic Anatomy Radiographic diagnosis of most common congenital diseases.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of most common acquired diseases.
  • The bladder and urethra.
  • Female reproductive system: pyometra, pregnancy, fetal death.
  • Male reproductive system: The prostate: BPH, prostatic cancer.
  • Liver and spleen.
  • Normal radiographic Anatomy Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the liver: hepatomegaly, liver masses, microhepatica (shunt/chronic hepatitis).
  • Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the spleen: splenomegaly (common causes), splenic mases.

Saturday August 5th

  • Basic physics of x-rays: how to use it as a helping hand tool in the evaluation of a radiographic study.
  • Common radiographic artifacts: the origins/avoidance (if possible), how to use it as a helping hand tool in the evaluation of a radiographic study.
  • Philosophy of the radiographic interpretation.
  • The Radiology Report.
  • Approach to Reading a Thoracic X-Ray focusing on the respiratory system: what is normal, normal variations and most common pathologies.
  • Common artifacts.
  • The pulmonary patterns.
  • A logical approach to diagnose a disease.
  • Radiographic Diagnosis of specific pulmonary diseases.
  • Lower airway disease: tracheal collapse, bronchial collapse.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of most common congenital cardiovascular diseases.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of most common acquired cardiovascular diseases.
  • Normal radiographic Anatomy.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the mediastinum.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the pleural space.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the thoracic wall.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the diaphragm.

Sunday August 6th

  • the abdominal cavity/peritoneum/retroperitoneal space.
  • Basic physics of x-rays: how to use it as a helping hand tool in the evaluation of a radiographic study.
  • Common radiographic artifacts: the origins/avoidance (if possible), how to use it as a helping hand tool in the evaluation of a radiographic study.
  • Philosophy of the radiographic interpretation.
  • The Radiology Report.
  • Approach to Reading an abdominal radiograph focusing on the stomach: what is normal, normal variations and most common pathologies.
  • Common artifacts.
  • The small intestines: ileus /obstruction, now what? surgery? Medical management or US.
  • Logic approach to diagnose intestinal obstruction.
  • Radiographic Diagnosis of specific colonic diseases.
  • The pancreas.
  • Kidneys and ureters radiographic Anatomy Radiographic diagnosis of most common congenital diseases.
  • Radiographic diagnosis of most common acquired diseases.
  • The bladder and urethra.
  • Female reproductive system: pyometra, pregnancy, fetal death.
  • Male reproductive system: The prostate: BPH, prostatic cancer.
  • Liver and spleen.
  • Normal radiographic Anatomy Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the liver: hepatomegaly, liver masses, microhepatica (shunt/chronic hepatitis).
  • Radiographic diagnosis of common pathologies of the spleen: splenomegaly (common causes), splenic mases.
  • Host: AVVE www.avve.us Instagram @avveusa
  • Format: Presencial
  • Dates: Agosto 5 y 6, 2023.
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Where: Miami
  • Price: $600, Registro antes del 14 de Julio $550.
  • CE: 10 hours of CE.
  • Great for: Para clinicos y veterinarios de practica general en pequenos animales.

More Information

  • Phone: 305 988 3537 / 754 308 5219